We’re looking to do a sign at the end of our driveway and we’ve tested about a thousand options so far! None have really clicked, but earlier this week, they released a new public-use font based on National Park signs (created with a router), so I thought I’d try something out. What do you think?
House Pics One Year Later
Even More House Pictures
More House Pics One Year Later
Ain’t Nuthin’ But a Thang
Exactly one year ago today, I moved to the UP. Paul came up to start his new job in May. I sold the oh, so fabulous Market Alley Wines on June 16, 2017 and we had to be out of our home in Monmouth on July 1 for our house buyers. The movers came on June 29 to haul our incredibly down-sized belongings up north and we packed the car with what we would need for a month or so, squeezed in the pup and up north we drove!